Tool usage

Modern development tools enable developers to achieve higher productivity and higher quality

The prerequisite for this is a clear methodology for the use of tools and advanced automation

Tool Readiness CheckQualification


Modern development tools, e.g. for modeling or code generation, offer a variety of functions and options.

Users face the challenges of efficient and effective use. Thus, the following questions arise:

  • Which functions should be used?
  • Which functions work reliably?
  • How should the functions be used and combined?
  • Which steps can be automated (under which conditions)?

Together with you, we will create guidelines for reasonable handling and adapt your tools appropriately. The selection of suitable tool functions and their documentation e.g. in Safety Manuals is our strength.

Guideline check

For classic programming languages like C or C++, it is state of the art to check the adherence to programming guidelines and therefore to exclude the usage of problematic or incomprehensible programming constructs. Thus, the robustness and maintainability of self-developed software is increased.

For the same reasons, models should be checked during model based development. In contrast to programming languages, special guideline catalogs should be used, which consider the peculiarities of the modeling language, the modeling goals and the development organization.

How we support you

  • Analysis of created models and documentation of model elements used

  • Drafting a catalog of modeling guidelines which is aligned with the methodology of your organization and considers best practices of modeling

  • Implementation of checker tools, which automatically check your models w.r.t. the adherence to the documented guidelines in the catalog.

Your benefits

  • Reduction in maintenance costs of your models by uniform modeling

  • Reduction in verification costs by avoiding modeling patterns that could lead to problems during implementation and integration on the target platform

  • Increase in efficiency of new employees by documentation of allowed and recommended modeling patterns

AUTOSAR model projection

The AUTOSAR standard specifies over 1200 different elements which can be modeled in AUTOSAR. However, most projects only use 100 to 200 of them. Even the tools do not support all model elements. With our AUTOSAR model projection, you can quickly and easily find out what is being used.

How we support you

  • Model analysis and model comparison at meta level
  • Integration of projection in your processes and tools (“Guidelines and their checks”)
  • Creation of test cases for the used model elements
  • Review of test models for completeness: “Are these models sufficient for testing the tool?”

Your benefits

  • Test end criterion for tool tests
  • Transparency in handing over of the model

You want to know more?

Talk to our expert of tool usage!

Milena Velichkova
Tel +49 (89) 5388669-297