
Validas offers the following products to help customers make their tools & libraries safe.

Tool Readiness Check

The readiness check involves understanding the tool safety requirements and filling out a specially designed spreadsheet that serves as a baseline to understand your case. This process helps us confirm readiness and identify gaps in ISO 26262.

This process involves three simple steps:

Readiness Check

After the second meeting you will receive a clear map detailing the status of your tools within the process, along with actionable insights and next steps for achieving ISO 26262 compliance and safety. Here are some possible outcomes:

Readiness Check Outcome

To get the most out of your complimentary consultation with our experts, we strongly recommend having a basic understanding of ISO 26262 requirements, Tool Confidence Level (TCL), and Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL).

Not sure about TCL? No problem! We’ve dedicated a podcast specifically to this topic. You can listen to it here.

We also have a podcast episode dedicated entirely to the ISO26262 readiness check, don’t miss it! Tune in here.

Readiness Check Spreadsheet

Please note that this readiness check is not intended to identify your tool chain. Instead, it provides a status overview of your tools in relation to ISO 26262 requirements.

Additionally, we can accommodate other standards upon request, such as IEC 61508, DO-178C, and EN 50657.

Want to know why tool qualification is essential? Read our recommended article: “Why Tool Qualification is a Game Changer.”

Ready to get started? Schedule your initial consultation with us here!

We look forward to working with you and helping you achieve your goals!

Need more information? Feel free to contact us at E-Mail

Stay Connected:

Follow us on LinkedIn Listen to our podcast on tool qualification and functional safety for the latest insights and updates.


Validas’ Library Qualification Kit (Qkit) offers a comprehensive solution to ensure the safety and reliability of C++ template usage, particularly in safety-critical systems. With over 700 functions successfully qualified and certified for ISO 26262 compliance, attaining Automotive Safety Integrity Level D accreditation by TÜV Süd.

More information

Tool Chain Analyzer

Our Tool Chain Analyzer (TCA) is the tool for modeling and analyzing tools and tool chains. The TCA covers all qualification relevant aspects of tools.

You can get a trial version of the TCA after a free training session with one of our employees. If you are interested in our product and a free training session on how to use it, please contact E-Mail


The Qualification Support Tool (QST) supports the qualification of tools and libraries by automatizing the following steps:

  • Planning the qualification (use cases)
  • Selection of environment & configuration parameters
  • Execution of test cases using the Test Automation Unit (TAU)
  • Generation of qualification documents and safety manuals

The QST does the work in compliance with main safety standards (IEC 61508, ISO 26262,..) and contains process descriptions as well as compliance reports.

QST can be used to qualify:

  • Tools (single tools or tool chains)
  • Libraries
    • Pre-existing/unchanged SW components
    • Newly developed SW components

QST can be adapted to any tool (commercial / inhouse / open source) by creating the corresponding tool/library model using the TCA tool. TCA tool and TAU are included in the QST. Validas supports you in configuration of QST to qualify your tool/library.

See here for more information about qualification services.

With a detailed tool classification report, it is fast & easy to find the right tool qualification kits for you. Contact us at E-Mail

Qualification Database

In order to support you in composing a safe tool chain, Validas maintains a database of tools which can be qualified if required, along with some basic information and information from the release of the QKit pointing at strengths and weaknesses of the QKit. The qualification database is available to TCA users in form of a TCA model that contains the following information about the qualified tools:

  • Tool Owner
  • Qualification Kit Owner
  • Release Notes of the Qualification Kit with the following information
    • Date of the QKit Release
    • Qualification Method & Safety Standard
    • Covered Tool Versions
    • Main Tool Features/UseCases covered by the QKit
    • Qualification/tool relevant issues of the QKit including work arounds

Please contact us at E-Mail if you have qualifiable tools that we can add to the database or if you like to receive it.

In our QKit Database you will find QKits that we have created in cooperation with our customers:

Click on the following image to open the QKitDB:

You can also find more information about our QKits here:

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Daniel Kaiser
Tel +49 (89) 5388669-287